Catpains’ Log : Paw Date 15th November 2021

It really does seem to have been getting much colder when I go out recently. We Bombay Cats like it warm. I am sure every Bombay dealer or owner would agree! If ever there is a hot spot in a room, on a patio or chair, we are the first there. And if a human wants to sit down, well it is just hard cheese. You will find that we Bombays cling on for dear life, even when you try to shoo us off!

Anyway, coming back to my point about it being cold out .. It can make it more difficult for some of my favourite activities. This week I have been quite a bit more reluctant to get outside. My first step is to hang around by the kitchen window (taking care to have a drink of the washing up water as I pass by) and look inquisitively out at the patio. I am waiting for birds, mice or blown leaves to appear outside the window so that I can weigh the chase possibilities. In fairness there have been many leaves blowing out there and it all looks very exciting. I have sat and wiggled my bum quite a few times, getting ready to look pleadingly at one of the humans.Trying to persuade them to open the window so that I can jump out. And several times this week the window has even been dutifully opened. But when I sniff the air with my wet nose, it feels much too icy! And the sky threatens a few drops of modest rain. And then I lose the desire to go outside. Probably better to curl up by the fire and dream of mice. It’s waaay easier than catching them!