Catpains’ Log : Paw Date 7th March 2022

The life of a Bombay Cat is rarely straightforward. Things get complicated very quickly and before you know it you are responsible for all kinds of issues that you couldn’t possibly have dreamed about. (For completeness I have to say I always dream of mice. Chasing them is my favourite, favourite thing. Such fun! (for me, at least.) So there just is no need to have another dream topic!).

Take this last week : On Tuesday morning I was rudely awakened from stretching out on the red sofa. The postman had arrived and brought a new package from Amazon. It was about the size of two shoe boxes and one of the humans started to open it. But then failed to finish the job. Useless.

Don’t these humans realise how dangerous it is to leave a partially opened package in the house?? The risk of a mouse in that package is catastrophic and so of course I needed to immediately spring into action : I started by actually getting inside the box. It is really the only way to be sure about mice. And then, even once I had padded around inside the box a fair bit, and found noting I thought it was still highly probable that disease could be brought to the house. So, I got out of the box and sniffed every single inch to determine what the history of the box was. You can’t be too sure. Ever.

Phew – on this occasion I can report that all was well with that box, but crikey, that was a close call. These humans have no idea what perils I keep them from!