Catpains’ Log : Paw Date 10th February 2022

This week has very much been a week when rain has stopped play. Every day. It’s so much easier just to stay inside, keep warm and dry and be with the humans. Even when they are doing such boring saying as watching the TV or just listening to the radio. Still it beats getting wet.

If I wanted to I could be quite critical of the painting man who was here until last week, and now seems to have disappeared. He just hasn’t finished what he started. The cat flap doesn’t work properly since he apparently tried to improve it. It doesn’t swing properly when I poke my nose through. The work surfaces are covered in dust, which I keep getting all over my little black paws. And what’s more I don’t even think he’s painted all of the things he was supposed to paint.

You see my keen eyes are much better than the humans and I can notice a lot more things and they can and let me tell you my whiskers don’t like what they see around here. A mess. The life of a Bombay cat in this house is far from easy. I have so much to do and so little time to do it. Anyway with that said I think it’s time for some more sleep.