Catpains’ Log : Paw Date 31st January 2022

The life of a Bombay Cat is never an easy one. Okay, that is a lie!. Actually it is quite easy quite a bit of the time because we do like to sleep. A lot.

But – When we are awake, we Bombays have got a lot to take care of. And this past week has been no exception. The humans have decided to bring in a new human. Who is dressed in white dungarees with funny coloured random patches all over them. The patches are a mess of green, blue, white and even yellow in some places. No black though, which shows he doesn’t have the taste of us Bombay Cats. His task appears to be getting a lot of wet paint everywhere. And it keeps getting on my tail. Yes, he has painted near the plastic cat flap too, which I often poke to make sure it is still working. He has painted the skirting boards where I sit and watch out for any daring mice that might (very stupidly) run across the floor. So I am having to be extremely careful about where I wiggle or waggle my rear end, or else it ends up covered in sticky white stuff from the skirting boards. It is a shame that I live with such silly humans. They could have at least but up some barricading to keep me away from the danger areas. But no, as usual, it is me who has to think through the problems of the household and come up with answers. This is what keeps me so busy.

On top of the very heavy work load generated by the painting man, I have also had a lot to contend with when it comes to garden control and strategy. Suddenly the plants and flowers have started to grow quite a bit, as well as the grass. And you know what that means. It is up to me to go round and sniff each and every one of the plants and a wide selection of the blades of grass. I need to ensure that every thing is in order. That the plants are well and that the green grass still smells like it is healthy, and without too many smells of other cats on it. The work of a Bombay Cat is never done. It is a major miracle that I find time to sleep at all these days!